HCG44 - Hickson 44 Compact Group

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Image:  HCG44 - Hickson 44 Compact Group Scope/Mount:  Celestron hd14 @ f/7.7, CGE Pro mount
Constellation:  Leo Camera:   QSI 583ws
Imaged at:   Anza, CA Total Exposure Time:     210 minutes
Date imaged:  Feb. 9, 2018 Approximate FOV:   23' x 17'
Guided?:  Yes Filters used:     L/R/G/B
Information:  HCG 44 contains four galaxies.  Left to right: NGC3193 (elliptical), and spiral galaxies NGC3190, 3187, and 3185.  It's located about 100 million light years away in Leo.